AGT: 10.50 (+1.50%) | AGT-B 25.75 (-0.75%)


Why Invest?

Applied Graphite Technologies Corporation owns a 90% ownership interest in C-Tech Ceylon (Private) Limited, a corporation incorporated pursuant to the laws of Sri Lanka, which in turn owns a 100% ownership interest in the Dodangaslanda Graphite Properties in Sri Lanka.

The Dodangaslanda Properties are on private land in the heart of the vein graphite district, with historical workings and vein graphite outcrops. Vein graphite is naturally high grade (+95% carbon content in the ground) and does not require primary processing. Testing of vein graphite in lithium-ion battery anodes has shown very high capacities, performing better than synthetic graphite. Natural vein graphite has a far superior ESG footprint than synthetic and is cheaper without compromising performance.

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